Saturday, March 18, 2017

First-Ever Glimpse of Luke Skywalker Ever Unearthed

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 Ever wondered what Luke Skywalker looked like before the cameras started rolling on his first-ever adventure? Wonder no more.

More on this after the jump.

 Mark Hamill just posted on his Twitter feed what seems to be the first-known picture of him in his Luke Skywalker get-up while shooting Star Wars: A New Hope in Tunisia. As first reported by Variety, he includes the following caption on his twit-pic:
“Taken in Tunisia early morning day [number one] waiting for my [first] shot (emerging from home for robot auction),” he wrote. “Perhaps the very [first Luke picture].”
 His post is as follows:

When we last see Luke in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he was face to face with Rey, the mysterious young scrapper girl from Jakku who, just before her trip to see Luke, had barely escaped from Starkiller Base in a duel with Kylo Ren a.k.a. Ben Solo, the fallen son of Han Solo and General Leia Organa. Rian Johnson, the director of Star Wars: The Last Jedi has gone on record multiple times stating that the movie will begin seconds after The Force Awakens ends, which is a first for the series since every single episode in the Star Wars saga so far has begun after a considerable amount of time from the last one.

J.J. Abrams has also stated that to NY Daily News that Hamill's portrayal of Luke in the next episode should garner him some Oscar attention:
“I think we are all going to be very upset if he does not win an Oscar, and no one more upset than Mark,”
Now, we really have to take this with a mountain of salt as it might just be fanboy talk coming from Mr. Abrams himself, but if it really is, we'll just have to see when Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters this Christmas.

What do you think of Hamill's tweet? Any other Star Wars memorabilia you're aching to see? Comment below, and let me know! Have a great day, y'all!

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